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Google Analytics


Google Analytics can be integrated with the Mandao application to track user behavior. Mandao supports the latest version of Google Analytics (GA4). Universal Analytics, which is no longer supported by Google, is not supported.


To integrate Google Analytics, you need a web application Google Analytics Account and Property. After preparing, start the integration with the following guide.

Google Analytics Integration

If you have a Google Analytics Account and Property, you can integrate Google Analytics with the Mandao application.


Mandao does not support Universal Analytics, which starts with UA-. Please enter the Property ID of GA4. The Property ID is a value in the G-XXXXXXXXXX format. (ex. G-FZ46B2MYQC)

GA integration

Done! After saving and deploying, you can check the Google Analytics integration on the page served.

Checking Google Analytics Integration

If Google Analytics is integrated properly, you can check the real-time access on the Google Analytics Realtime tab when you run the Mandao page.

GA connection test

Real-time data collection of GA may take up to 1 minute delay, so please wait a moment. If the usage record is not sent, click anywhere on the page or scroll. You can also check if the request starting with collect is sent in the Developer Console > Network tab.

Google Analytics event field customization

If Google Analytics is integrated properly, you can send events to Google Analytics when the element with the action is clicked. Properties of events sent to Google Analytics are defined as follows.

event_action: 'mandao_cta.clicked', // Fixed value
event_label: '', // URL created when deploying Mandao
event_category: 'My event category' // Value that can be entered manually in the Mandao editor

'event_action' and 'event_label' will be set automatically by Mandao.
'event_action' is set to 'mandao_cta.clicked', and 'event_label' is set to the URL created when deploying Mandao. 'event_category' is a value that can be entered manually in the Mandao editor. You can use this value to categorize CTA events.

To send events to Google Analytics, Google Analytics must be integrated in the app and the action must be set for the element. If the click action is set for the element, you can enter the 'event_category' value in the UI below. If 'event_category' value is not settled, event will not be sent to Google Analytics.

GA event customzation


If ID of Google Analytics is not entered or action is not set, UI for entering 'event_category' will not be displayed.

If 'event_category' value is entered, you can receive event information in Google Analytics when clicked. (If 'event_category' is not entered, event will not be fired even if clicked.) Event sent to Google Analytics can be checked in the Realtime tab of Google Analytics.

GA realtime event check